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Friday, July 14, 2023

AI: History's Newest 'Threat' and Our Inevitable Evolution

Embrace the inevitable evolution of technology with our guide to navigating the AI revolution

Anticipate These Emerging Concepts:

"AI Alarmist"
"AI Skeptic"
"AI: The New Climate Crisis"
"AI's Devastating Impact on Commercial Real Estate"
"AI Isn't Art"
"Preserving Jobs Requires Halting AI"
"AI Threatens Our Humanity"

From floppy disks to carbon paper, typewriters to horses, loom to iceboxes, silent movies to photographs, candles to newspapers, printers to scribes, cave paintings, and all the way back to the invention of the wheel and the discovery of fire...

Thursday, July 13, 2023

💻 Selling MPS | The Hybrid Office | American Business | Hack On, AI💻

From Paper Jams to Power Moves: Unleashing the Magic of Managed Print Services

Managed print services (MPS) is alive and well. Actually, unbelievably well. We’ve talked about this before, and the wave continues. While dealers and manufacturers report a reduction in page volumes, an increase in MPS contracts highlights an area that dealers should be leaning into.

Despite its limited name, MPS is about more than just print. It isn’t just about cartridges or even cyber security, but it IS about supplies, purchasing, keeping data under lock and key, and even leasing. What’s more, with the move back to an office, cost reductions and increasing efficiencies hold a more prominent position.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Voice Over Text: Unleashing the Power of Spoken Queries

Your Voice, Your Search: Crafting Precision with Vocalized Queries

Greg's Words

The concept of a User Interface (UI) is as ancient as time itself, with only the face-to-face dialogue outdating our good old QWERTY companion.

The art of conversation.

A recent study uncovers a fascinating nuance - articulating your queries to Google yields more fruitful outcomes than the traditional method of hammering them out on a keyboard. The hypothesis is that those who choose to engage with their microphone give a tad more thought to their queries than their keyboard-bound counterparts.

Now, I remain on the fence about this proposition.

However, I can't deny the reality that transforming spoken words into digital text leans more toward convenience than anything else.

Yet, the Wall Street Journal seems to have a different perspective on this matter.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated