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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

CNET Needs Managed Print Services - So Says Molly Wood

You may ask, and rightly so, "who the heck is Molly Wood, and who is CNET?"

Molly, here.

"...dude ....what is the deal with that fukin printer?"

"Why can we not fix the printer?  Who doesn't use a printer?'

And according to the CNET Mission Statement:

"CNET shows you the exciting possibilities of how technology can enhance and enrich your life. We provide you with information, tools, and advice that help you decide what to buy and how to get the most out of your tech."

Molly rants professionally for CNET as a technology editor and the following printer reflections are apparently caught "off-line".

So, quick, you're in MPS - How many of your co-workers love their printers and hate the big copier?

Have they "ranted" like this?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Managed Print Services Practices Managers: Are You Selling MPS Internally ? - Over and Over again.

"She not here, she got married..."


"She at the church, she got married to Oily bo-hunk..."


"Married!, sheesh..."

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I mean, when it gets right down to it, selling managed print services is not that much different from selling any service. It is just that the people doing the selling are different.

For now.

The message for MPS, MSP, and Help desk services sales is no different than selling Fax servers, scanning, email, accounting systems, or luxury submersibles.

There is a pattern, a rhythm, and a cadence for the approach, presentation, and engagement, we know this.

But what about selling internally?

Sure, selling a 1,500 device, Stage 1,2, & 3, a national account is tricky. But it's nothing compared to your talk track around your own coffee machine.

How do you convince YOUR help desk people?  How do YOUR bench techs respond to MPS?  And what about your BDM's?. Don't forget upper and executive management.

My one word?  Redundancy.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated