"The heaviest proposal wins..."
"We gotta have the company history in this proposal..."
"And don't forget the spec sheets..."
"This will be easy, I can just use the last proposal we did, and search and replace..."
Sound familiar?
Let me ask you something, do you read books?
What keeps you interested?
It's the story, isn't it?
Somehow, your favorite writer or a nice article you spend time with engages you and tells you something new, yet familiar.
Now, do you think that article or book was boiler-plated into existence?
Do you think Stephen King, goes out, asks a bunch of potential readers what they like and what scares them, imports all that "data" into a tool, clicks "go" and out pops the next best seller?
"No, Greg, I don't think Stephen King clicks on "go" and a best seller pops out." - good answer.