From an article at
"...This is all driven by Steel Partners. They're one of the most aggressive hedge funds in the world, with $9 billion in assets under management," said Park. "They've been really public, and this is no real surprise," he added. "They're the largest shareholder. They own about 10 percent at a cost of about $10.51." Steel pushed Ikon last year to buy back shares at $17.50; Ikon balked, paying up to $15 in a limited buyback that boosted the company's debt."
And off of the author's blog -
"As of June 30, 2008, Steel owned 12,456,300 shares at an average cost of $10.51/share.
Assuming the deal goes through, Steel will realize a hefty $84M gain on their four year investment.
Steel began pressuring IKN in June 2007 to do a $850M share buyback at $17.50/share. After Steel announced their intention to obtain board representation, IKN announced (in November 2007) a $500M buyback - which included a $295M dutch auction between $13 and $15/share and the balance to be purchased on the open market over the next year or so. As a result, Steel signed a standstill agreement and agreed not to seek board representation through 2009..."
My previous post on Steele: