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Tuesday, April 8, 2008
New Print Devices and Services from HP
A quick press release about new HP offerings.
Check the starting price for the Edgeline.
Rumor of "more aggressive" supply pricing structure - but nothing published.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Edgeline at 300 Page Per Minute
"I have analyzed in depth all the HP white papers on Edgeline and from this have worked out that HP could easily make a 20 inch width color data center printer that could operate at a speed slightly in excess of 300 pages/min.
I know this is not as fast as the new range of high-speed color printers from Agfa, IBM, Kodak, Océ, Screen and Xerox, but Edgeline technology would allow HP to sell this 300 plus page/minute printer at a fraction of the price all of these new printers are selling for. Not everyone in the corporate data center market wants to run 1,000 pages/minute, and many would want to have multiple slower printers rather that relying on one super-fast device."
Perhaps the announcement of the planned acquisition of Exstream is also a pre-announcement of the HP Color Data Center Printing System. It will be interesting to see how this news develops in the coming months."
This is very interesting, no? See this post of mine and try to read "through" it - and see how HP "expands"into new market niches? See this post.300 ppm!!? wha, wha, whaaaaaaat?
Friday, March 21, 2008
...Ramblings, without a Cause...
Big meeting - lots of high-end HP dealers to review and share challenges and successes with HP directly. And a chance for HP to present future plans, programs and support for those VARs worthy. See "Loyalties".
- The take-away? HP responds instantly (See this) and dealers whine about cost per copy.
A dozen Edgeline systems with meter reads at 6 million, and still printing...
- The take-away? I have seen many machines with 1 million or more; at the end of life.
Current engines easily getting to 94 ppm.
- The take-away? See it when I believe it.
Some VARs see current engines running at 125,000 color/month with no problems.
- The take-way? Some VARs employee "puffery" when discussing their successes.
Hole punch unit, RIP coming. The RIP, heavily disguised with duct tape, but still rumored to look like EFI.
Ramblings and talking about 225ppm for everyday business units; color.
Strap on your Goggles
...This changes everything...