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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query MPS. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

MaNAgeD PRinT SerVIces - Does it Really Matter How WE Define It?

May 2009-

The first people who wanted to define Managed Print Services were, of course, the consultants. Define it, measure it, survey around it, create reports about it, and sell the data. Nice model.

Not far behind those folks are the "trainers" - oh yes, we all know those guys.

Anything new has got to be figured out - everything new has mystery about it, and as Max once told me,"...where there is mystery, there is margin..."

And when you act as an authority and have a track record of sorts, never mind that the record was based on an archaic and outdated, equipment model, people will pay big time to hear you tell them how to "succeed".

After the "trainers" come the "Providers" - BTA Dealers, copier manufacturers, VARs, and software people. Those who sling gear and sell CPC service agreements.

The last group are those who claim to "...have been selling and providing MPS for 8, 10, 20, 30 years..." - these are the ones who really crack me up, but they are in the "boat" too.

If one were to Google MPS just 12 short months ago, one may have found some hits regarding HP or Xerox and most certainly Photizo - but not Lyra or AIM or BTA, or Kyocera, Konica Minolta, or a great number of copier dealers.

Now, MPS is everywhere - dealers provide it, manufacturers provide it, software people provide it, marketing firms, toner re-manufacturers, and even technology providers talk MPS.

And today, more copier reps are on the street waving their dongles and selling the hot new product, MPS, than ever before. 
(Managed Prints Services - That "Hot, New, Thing...")

Synnex, Ingram, InfoTrends, and Water provide "MPS training" for the salesperson, the dealer, and the owner - honestly, I am a proponent of the "selling is selling, no matter what you sell..." theory. So even though all the MPS Sales courses are simply re-hashed "copier CPC" selling or "Solution Selling" subject matter, that's ok. Any knowledge is good knowledge.

I think the biggest and most significant issue to remember, and one echoed by Xerox's Ashby Lowry at the Managed Print Services Conference last month is that true MPS strives to REDUCE the number of prints and REDUCE THE NUMBER OF MACHINES(IN FIELD).

But how does this reconcile, for example, with Kyocera's need to find homes for more machines? Will they reduce production schedules because they now offer MPS?

How does OPS affect the number of Konica Minolta's vs HP's?

How does this balance with Ricoh/IKON's need to convert more Canon customers to Ricoh? Is there a significant, MPS-based reason to move from Canon to Ricoh?

How does real MPS jive with Xerox selling 3 Phasers with every copier?

Are they paying lip service to MPS or simply defining MPS for their own purpose?
Recently, Lexmark released data defining how much the government is wasting on inefficient printing policies and procedures. The results are not surprising; big government wastes tax dollars, duh. And the Federal Government is a great prospect for solid MPS.

But is it just me, or do you get the feeling that the next article is going to be about how Lexmark, by supplying only Lexmark gear, saved the taxpayer's gajillions?

Is there a good answer to this, no? Is it wrong that when Lexmark wins an MPS deal, it consists of Lexmark(or Xerox, HP, Konica Minolta, Samsung...) only gear? No, not really, because of how they define MPS. Their flavor is tainted with their machines - not a true MPS.

Real Managed Print Services is NOT a technique. It is not a product. It is not a marketing campaign.

Managed Print Service is a process. A process that reduces costs, over a period of time, and enhances the overall, business process and workflow of any company/organization.

This leads me to a simple list of qualifying questions:

If you sell only toner, are you in MPS?
If you sell only Ricoh's, are you in MPS?
If you sell paper, are you in MPS?
If you sell data storage, are you in MPS?
If you sell marketing materials and production of those marketing materials, are you in MPS?
If you sell single-function laser printers, are you in MPS?
If you sell and service only one hardware manufacturer, are you in MPS?
If you sell power control and monitoring devices for the data center are you in MPS?
If you sell directly, exclusively, and strictly to the Purchase Agent of any company, are you in MPS?
If you sell fax servers, are you in MPS?
If you sell laser printer service, are you in MPS?
If you sell contract negotiations, and bid management, are you in MPS?
If you sell office supplies, are you in MPS?
If you sell archiving software, are you in MPS?
If you sell leasing and financial services, are you in MPS?
If you sell into a CRD environment, are you in MPS?
If you sell your business expertise and cost reduction acumen, are you in MPS?

Any one of the above, indeed perhaps a score or two more, can qualify as a component of MPS - that is of course except for one. There is one item in the above list, that completely, unequivocally disqualifies you as an MPS provider and negates your membership as one who plays in the MPS niche.

Care to take a guess at which one?

For us on the "inside" the definition of MPS, of course, is complex. Because MPS can be any one of the answers from above - MPS, true enlightenment in MPS would include ALL of the above and more. But once this is achieved, it no longer is MPS it becomes MIS.(back to the beginning, again)

The ultimate One Throat To Choke.

Back to my original question, "Does it really matter how WE define MPS?"

NO, it does not.

I am reminded of a statement made by Randy Elliot from Dow Chemical at the recent MPS conference. For him, he really didn't care how we defined MPS - it is unimportant to him, as a customer.


That should truly sum it all up - what matters isn't how we define MPS, what matters is how our prospects and clients define MPS.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Photizo Group Sponsoring New MPS Leadership Awards to Recognize MPS Excellence

Press Release - article to follow at a later date -

Lexington, KY (PRWEB) December 5, 2008 --

For the first time, outstanding MPS innovators will be formally honored with new awards dedicated to excellence in Managed Print Services (MPS). The MPS Leadership Awards were developed to recognize organizations demonstrating leadership in implementing, providing or supporting MPS projects. The MPS Leadership Awards will be presented at the first annual MPS Conference April 26-28 in San Antonio Texas.

"The objective is to showcase MPS excellence and raise awareness about successful MPS programs and their benefits. MPS is gaining strength as an innovative, cost-effective approach to managing business resources, and the total MPS Market in North America and Western Europe will be a $26.7 billion business by 2012. As more companies and vendors adopt the MPS model, it's important to recognize their accomplishments in this increasingly important segment," said Ed Crowley, founder and president of the Photizo Group.

Nominations are now being accepted for the MPS Leadership Awards. The competition is open to any company or vendor involved in the MPS market. Firms of all sizes utilize MPS services, making the award nominations attractive across a broad spectrum of businesses. "In fact, 56 percent of MPS engagements are with companies with less than 1,000 employees," Crowley noted.

Awards will be presented in three categories:

* Corporate MPS Implementation -- Organizations that have implemented an MPS program and use an external vendor to manage the hardcopy device fleet

* MPS Vendor -- Dealers or manufacturers that provide MPS services directly to corporate customers

* MPS Infrastructure Provider -- Manufacturers, software firms and service companies that enable MPS engagements through technology, training, or service

The independent judging panel represents a broad cross spectrum of the industry. Panel members are Ken Stewart (Sharp Business Systems), Greg VanDeWalker (Great America Leasing), Greg Walters (SigmaNet), Kiran Sanghi (IT Executive), Gunnar Lundgren (former HP executive), and panel chairman, Doug Johnson, (former Print Inc. executive, RedSage Consulting).

Award criteria are based on a 50-point rating of MPS best practices and business benefits such as significant cost savings, productivity gains, or other improvements. The Photizo Group is sponsoring the MPS Leadership awards program, including administrative and webinar services to support the judging panel.

Anyone wishing to make a nomination should first complete an MPS Leadership nomination form and submit it to Doug Johnson, MPS Leadership Award Selection Panel Chairman (djohnson @

Forms are available at All nominations are due by March 1, 2009. After completing a nomination form, a complete application form will be sent to the nominated company. Winners will receive free registration for the MPS Conference.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Building an Managed print Services Practice: LA to Oconomowoc #MPS #copiers

By David Cameron; CEO, Cameron Consulting Group, March 27th, 2012

Greg Walters is a well-known blogger, rebel, truth-seeker, and now a consultant in the managed services field for print and IT.

This article focuses on his leadership and—at times—exasperating experiences in building an MPS practice inside a large West Coast VAR. Adding managed print services (MPS) was an uneasy fit that didn’t demonstrate its value until after Walters took over. As the MPS practice grew more than $1 million, the plan shifted and the practice was folded into the much larger managed services group to leverage common processes and resources. It is an open question whether the MPS practice will retain its edgy personality and strong growth rate as it goes mainstream as part of the VAR services portfolio.

Greg Walters took over the immature managed print services practice

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

MPS Conference 2010: Oki In The House. Print Audit in The House. RICOH in the House.

And by Ricoh, do I mean IKON?

The list of sponsors continues to grow for the 2010 MPS Conference in San Antonio, May 3-5, 2010.

Mirroring the European version, this session will hold a pre-conference workshop providing the basics of Managed Print Services for folks who have less background in the Managed Print Services Ecosystem.

These tracks are golden.

One track is dedicated to decision makers responsible for implementing MPS engagements in their companies. The other track is specifically for dealers who are developing MPS offerings for their companies.

This conference is specifically geared toward Managed Print Services - the MPS that goes beyond CPC, assessments, Scope documents, etc.

Last year's conference was full of exuberance and mirth, most the advice and back room chatter rolled along the "this is what you SHOULD do" talk track.

This year, I image there will be more of the "this is what you SHOULD NOT DO, because I tried and it didn't work..." conversations; over adult beverages, served up by scantily clad, college coeds, at Coyote Ugly.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Lexington, KY – November 18, 2009 – Signaling strong interest in the second annual North American MPS Conference, industry leaders OKI Printing Solutions and Ricoh have signed on as Platinum Sponsors for the 2010 event. Print Audit has joined as a Silver Sponsor for the conference scheduled for May 3-5 in San Antonio, TX.

“The MPS market has only begun to take off, and as the opportunity grows, so does the need for real information and ideas to make the most of it. The success of the inaugural 2009 conference in San Antonio and the European MPS Conference in Amsterdam validated the need for ongoing educational forums dedicated to the MPS marketplace. The early commitment of these high-profile sponsors shows the industry is ready to support professional learning venues like the MPS Conference,” said Ed Crowley, founder and president of the Photizo Group.

Photizo Group, leading research firm specializing in the analysis of the printing and imaging industry, hosts the series of MPS Conferences dedicated to decision makers and providers.

About 150 MPS decision makers and providers from as far away as Dubai and India attended the 2009 North American conference to gain insight to the developing trends in managed print services and document output management as strategies for sustainable business practices and organizational cost reduction.

“We are proud to be a Platinum Sponsor and view this conference as a substantial opportunity to listen, learn and enhance our services to meet the needs of MPS Customers world-wide,” said Mark Boelhouwer, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, Ricoh Americas Corporation.

Return of Popular Pre-Conference Workshop for MPS Novices

The 2010 MPS Conference will feature the popular pre-conference workshop providing the basics of Managed Print Services for decision makers and dealers who have less background in the world of managed print.

These sessions will concentrate on providing a solid foundation of the subject and offering practical strategies when selecting an appropriate MPS partner or provider for first-time MPS engagements. A two-track format offers targeted educational opportunities for MPS professionals. One track is dedicated to decision makers responsible for implementing MPS engagements in their companies. The other track is specifically for dealers who are developing MPS offerings for their companies.

The conference also features two tracks, with the first for end users (CIOs, CFOs, IT Managers, Facilities Managers and Purchasing Departments) who have implemented MPS or are looking to implement MPS in the future. This track offers best practices, case studies, how-to guides and more. The second track is targeted at vendors, resellers and infrastructure providers, with information on the emerging hybrid channel, guides on infrastructure, best practices, research data supporting MPS beyond typical anecdotal evidence, projections about the market and more.

“We are delighted to take part in the conference again this year,” said Dena Bernard, Director, Customer Satisfaction and Services for OKI Data Americas. “As a Platinum sponsor, we are able to contribute to a valuable, informative event that will continue to have a positive impact on the MPS industry now and in the future.”

Conference Focused on MPS Success

The Photizo Group estimates that the MPS market is worth over $25 billion globally this year and projects it will be a $60 billion market by 2013. The MPS Conferences address the urgent need for information about this fast-growing managed print services market. Conference content features case studies, panels, exhibitions and interactive sessions that highlight successful approaches and practical ideas from actual MPS engagements. MPS decision makers, vendors and channel partners benefit from a rich agenda of relevant topics.

Registrants can take advantage of the Early Bird rate, with special discounts off the pre-conference workshop and conference, as well as a package price for both events. Details and other conference information are available at

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Managed Print Services Another DOTC Leopard - ReDux - Jennifer Shutwell. How to Steal MPS Clients

It's a re-intro and a re-post of her original article back in January, 2011.

Anything worth reading is worth reading again and again.

Jennifer is one those deeply profound veterans - she approaches MPS from the FM/Production arena.

Comfortable with enterprise level selling, Jennifer can maneuver the high halls of the Fortune 500.

She is an accomplished student of human behavior, easily applies her knowledge in the business world and shares with the MPS Ecosystem at large.

She is speaking at the 2011 Global MPS Conference in Orlando, on how to Steal an MPS Client.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

May is just around the corner...sorta...MPS and Orlando!

European Managed Print Services Industry Shows Its Vitality at Major Industry Conference

Record attendance indicates Europe on track to become largest MPS market

Lexington, KY – December 6, 2010 – The success of the recent European MPS Conference signals strong and growing interest in managed print services, the business model sweeping the imaging industry. The European event drew 162 attendees to Barcelona, Spain from November 10-12. Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom were among the most represented markets, with participants traveling from 18 different countries as far as South Africa and the United States. HP, Ricoh, FMAudit and DocuAudit Europe were Platinum Sponsors of the 2010 European MPS Conference.

Archived footage of the European MPS Conference Webcast can be found at

“We keep hearing from our attendees that the MPS Conferences hosted by Photizo Group are becoming a watering hole for the industry--a true source of education and networking with peers and experts. That is so important, because with organized, focused resources like these, MPS professionals and users increase their chance of success,” said Photizo founder and CEO, Ed Crowley. The highly acclaimed Barcelona keynote and presentations inspired attendees with stimulating insights and ideas:

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Managed Print Services is Dead - "...alas poor MPS-Guy...I knew thee well..."


I love it.

Just as everyone figures out how to spell MPS, industry pundits kill it.

Photizo called heavy growth rates in MPS Engagements through 2015 - of course, this was back in the "olden days" - 2009!

Last year at Lyra, consultants and statisticians explained that we will never return to the same levels of units (copier) sold, pre-2009.

Do you get that? Does anyone?

Why yes, some do...some have all along. HP buys EDS, and Xerox takes ACS.

Why paint MPS all black? Why kill MPS after just three short years? Why blacken the Sun?

I've said it before. Change releases fear and fear motivates.

Contrary to what the Imaging Intelligentsia bloviate, we are not witnessing the beginning of the End Managed Print Services - we are seeing the last gasp of "Print Services"(it's the "M" - stupid)

Two informational items were released this month:

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Streamlining Your Office: An Introduction to Managed Print Services (MPS)

As technology continues to advance, many businesses are finding themselves overwhelmed by outdated and inefficient office equipment. From copiers and fax machines to laser printers, these devices consume valuable space and resources but offer limited value in return.

Enter Managed Print Services (MPS), a solution that helps businesses optimize their printing processes, reduce costs, and streamline their workflows. With MPS, companies can simplify their office equipment, improve their printing security, and increase their productivity.

So how does MPS work, and why is it a valuable investment for your business? Let's take a closer look.

What is Managed Print Services (MPS)?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Managed Print Services Market Shows Strong Commitment to North American MPS Conference


Sold-out exhibits, expanded sessions signal enthusiastic interest from MPS end users and providers

LEXINGTON, KY -- The managed print services market continues to command attention from channel pros and end users alike, and the North American market has long been one of the most active arenas, with a history of over ten years of MPS engagements. North America accounted for 50 percent of the total global MPS market in 2008, and it continues to grow at a healthy 27 percent compounded annual growth rate.

To keep the momentum, MPS end users and providers have sought and found information and contacts at forums like the annual MPS Conferences. The market has responded enthusiastically to the upcoming 2010 North American MPS Conference May 3-5 in San Antonio, TX. Exhibit space is sold out, and the agenda has been expanded to three speaking tracks to accommodate increased attendance and interest.


Sold-out exhibits, expanded sessions signal enthusiastic interest from MPS end users and providers

LEXINGTON, KY -- The managed print services market continues to command attention from channel pros and end users alike, and the North American market has long been one of the most active arenas, with a history of over ten years of MPS engagements. North America accounted for 50 percent of the total global MPS market in 2008, and it continues to grow at a healthy 27 percent compounded annual growth rate.

To keep the momentum, MPS end users and providers have sought and found information and contacts at forums like the annual MPS Conferences. The market has responded enthusiastically to the upcoming 2010 North American MPS Conference May 3-5 in San Antonio, TX. Exhibit space is sold out, and the agenda has been expanded to three speaking tracks to accommodate increased attendance and interest.

The second annual North American MPS Conference focuses on the theme: “MPS: The Next Stage” and offers case studies, techniques, and ideas for moving to the next stage of MPS engagements. MPS decision makers, vendors and channel partners have signed up in record numbers to benefit from a rich agenda of relevant topics. Photizo Group, the leading research firm specializing in the printing and imaging industry, hosts the popular MPS Conference series, which have brought educational programs to MPS markets around the world.
Stellar Line Up of Industry Professionals

The North American MPS Conference promises a stellar line up of speakers, with multiple keynote presentations, as well as the definitive “State of the Industry” session delivered by Ed Crowley of Photizo Group. The keynote presenters are:

· Mark Boelhouwer, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, Ricoh Americas Corporation

· Dena Bernard, Director, Customer Satisfaction and Services, Oki Data Americas, Inc.

· Jason Evans, founding partner and CEO of PEQ Service + Solutions (which was acquired by Buchanan Technologies last year) and recently featured in MPSmentor

Chasing Customers, Outrunning Competitors

According to the Photizo Group, the most significant growth factors during the next two years will be evolution of distribution channels, continued focus on cost savings and aggressive vendor programs. The MPS Conference agenda provides a number of sessions geared to these information needs. The expanded three-track format offers targeted education covering a number of MPS areas. A diverse range of managed print services topics such as best practices in implementing managed print services, sales and marketing best practices, change management, transforming the dealership, and selling into the SMB market are all part of the industry’s only dedicated MPS conference.

“Expanding the agenda gives attendees ample opportunities to attend all the sessions they want. With much at stake for participants in this multi-billion dollar industry, it’s important to adjust and accommodate their educational needs and interests,” said Photizo Group CEO Ed Crowley. Photizo Group estimates that the MPS market is currently worth over $25 billion globally and projects it will be a $60 billion market by 2013. “Channel professionals and vendors are also coming on board in record numbers. With the nearly sold out exhibit area, attendees are sure to find solutions and advice to support their MPS goals. The across-the-board enthusiasm and support signal strong interest in the red-hot managed print services market, and the conference is designed to provide the information necessary for success.”

Best Practices, Best Networking

The conference features case studies, panels, exhibitions and interactive sessions that highlight successful approaches and valuable takeaways from actual MPS engagements. Some of the practical topics covered at the San Antonio Conference are managing RFPs and contracts, financial models for MPS providers, and sales and marketing best practices. Decision makers, vendors and channel partners can also network and share their insights and experiences with MPS engagements.

Registration details and other conference information are available at

# # #
Click to email me.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

22 Suggestions To Save Your #ManagedPrintServices Practice 2017 - REMASTERED

Original content, here, from DOTC, 2017.

I took my original story, back in 2017, and had it 'remastered' by AI.  

What do you think?  I like them all, even the dated suggestions number five is significant - and the song choice is subtle and nuanced.

"Integrate MPS into Managed IT services: MPS infrastructure should be integrated into Managed IT services to create a more comprehensive approach to technology management."


MPS Haiku:

Innovate to thrive,
MPS providers must adapt,
Stay ahead to succeed.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Photizo Group CEO keynote helps CXOs learn about managed print services corporate benefits

Print & Imaging Summit Keynote Explains MPS Trifecta: Saving Time, Money and the Environment

     Photizo CEO Edward Crowley shares study results that validate corporate MPS advantages of cost savings, environmental benefits, IT productive 
      MPS can help companies cut costs by up to 30 percent and regain up to 10 percent of IT time

      Photizo Group is strategic event partner for Print and Imaging Summit

April 12, 2011, Midway, KY -- Organizations considering a move into managed print services (MPS) have a lot to gain -- and a lot to learn. The average firm cuts cost by 30 percent, but these MPS savings do not happen overnight. 

MPS is a more complex and far-reaching undertaking than most realize. In his Print and Imaging Summit keynote, Photizo Group CEO Edward Crowley helps CXO executives understand the complex issues – and powerful advantages – of a corporate MPS initiative.

Crowley is founder and CEO of Photizo, the worldwide authority on MPS trends and techniques, and the leader in MPS data collection, analysis and reporting. In the opening keynote on Tuesday, May 3, 4:15 – 5 PM, he brings valuable guidance and perspective to the corporate market. He will introduce MPS concepts, explain the challenges of embarking on MPS projects and acquaint the audience with benefits they may not have considered, such as reducing CO2 emissions and improving IT productivity. He will also share insights on what's next in convergence of IT outsourcing and MPS, with IT and business process optimization.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Managed Print Services: Kyocera enhances, Sharp getting in, Brother waiting for MPS to go Mainstream(?)

That's right.

More straw MPS training, a late to the game player and an organization waiting for MPS Industry to "open up".

Press releases and reflection follow:


Expanding its industry-leading Managed Print Services (MPS) training offering, Kyocera Mita America, Inc., one of the world's leading document solutions companies, today announced that the Company has authorized the Business Technology Association’s (BTA) “MPS Sales Workshop” and “MPS Operations & Service Workshop” for meeting training requirements of the Kyocera Certified MPS Dealer Program.

These two programs are taught by Tom Callinan, Ed Carroll, David Ramos and Mike Woodard of Strategy Development, a management consulting and advanced sales training firm.

The BTA MPS training program and Print Management Solutions Group (PMSG) are the only organizations with authorized educational offerings within the Kyocera Certified MPS Dealer Program.

“Kyocera is committed to enabling and supporting its certified dealers in their development of the MPS business model, and we’re identifying resources which bring the best MPS training programs for sales, services and operations to our dealers,” said Peter Hendrick, vice president of marketing, Kyocera Mita America.

“We believe MPS is the future of our business and we understand that education is the key to a successful MPS strategy. We’ve partnered with BTA and PMSG, two of the industry’s leading Dealer and Training organizations, to deliver the training that certifies Kyocera dealers into our national MPS network.”

The following BTA MPS training programs are authorized for certification to Kyocera’s MPS Dealer Program:

BTA MPS Operations & Service Workshop

The MPS Operations & Service Workshop is designed to jump start the dealers’ understanding of how to set up and manage all service related aspects of an MPS agreement.

BTA MPS Sales Workshop

Designed to provide dealerships with the tools they need to establish a managed print services strategy, the MPS Sales Workshop will educate dealers how to increase the quantity of captured prints, lock in customers, distinguish themselves from competitors, sell more document imaging devices and, ultimately, become the end-user's "single source" for managing printed pages and hardware.

Press Release, here.

DOTC, I'm calling BULLSHIT.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Managed Print Services Market to Be More Than $50B by 2013: Photizo

Latest Managed Print Services Data: HP Takes Top Spot from Xerox in Global MPS Market Share


New Photizo Group Forecast Signals Dramatic Expansion in MPS Market

Lexington, KY (PRWEB) August 14, 2009 --

The new 2009 Managed Print Services (MPS) Market Forecast from Photizo Group reveals a rapidly developing market with dynamic top-level changes in market share. The 2009 MPS global forecast describes a robust segment undergoing tremendous growth. The latest report projects the market will be more than $50B by 2013, and more than 50 percent of all devices will be under MPS contract. The data indicated that HP had overtaken Xerox as leader in the global MPS sector in 2008, with a 34 percent share of global market.

The Photizo Group specializes in research and analysis of the Managed Print Services market. The annual MPS Market Forecast Report is becoming the de facto standard for analysis of this rapidly evolving sector. Photizo defines MPS as the outsourcing of hardcopy devices (printers, copiers, faxes, and MFPs), including all aspects of management, servicing, and on-going maintenance. The MPS Forecast and Share Report covers both programs offered directly from manufacturers and those offered through channel partners.

This is groundbreaking information for MPS watchers. The dramatically shifting position at the top demonstrates how aggressively companies are pursuing MPS market share. No one with any interest in MPS can afford to sit on the sidelines, simply guessing what is going to happen.

Managed Print Services is one of the fastest growing segments of the enterprise printing industry in today's economy.

This report from Photizo acknowledges and validates HP's focus and commitment to be the leader in the MPS market.

Total Manufacturer MPS Revenue in millions (USD):

Historical data

* 2006 - $9,473
* 2007 - 13,811
* 2008 - 20,346

Revenue forecast

* 2009 - $25,764
* 2010 - 32,643
* 2011 - 40,593
* 2012 - 49,253
* 2013 - 59,678

Europe To Be Largest MPS Market By 2013

The forecast is updated annually and provides historical and forecast data for North America, Europe, Asia and Latin America. The global forecast cuts through the flux in market geographies and provides strategic planners with useful data for pursuing the most profitable regions for MPS. Although today the United States is the largest geography for MPS, significant changes are expected, with a new number one geography appearing by 2013. While Asia is the fastest growing, Europe will become the largest MPS market by 2013.

Companies pursuing an MPS strategy can gain an advantage by arming themselves with the most accurate, current data about this market. "This is groundbreaking information for MPS watchers. The dramatically shifting position at the top demonstrates how aggressively companies are pursuing MPS market share. No one with any interest in MPS can afford to sit on the sidelines, simply guessing what is going to happen," said Ed Crowley, founder and CEO of the Photizo Group. To assist MPS vendors, channel partners and other decision makers, Photizo is making a summary of the report available immediately at no charge.

"Managed Print Services is one of the fastest growing segments of the enterprise printing industry in today's economy," said Tom Codd, Director, Enterprise Marketing, Imaging and Printing Group, HP. "This report from Photizo acknowledges and validates HP's focus and commitment to be the leader in the MPS market."

For more information about the 2009 MPS Market Forecast Report, and to obtain the free report summary, visit

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Managed Print Services: The Summer of 2010 Rising Stars - Constellation One

When I was a kid back in high school, I remember being told that humans were the only species on the planet that could crane their necks and face the sky.

I have since learned this is more a romantic notion than factual as birds are thought to navigate via the stars

To me, the real difference is our ability to assign patterns to the star filled sky and create stories around those pictographs - a uniquely human quality.

In this spirit, I present to you dear reader, my Summer of 2010 Constellation of MPS Rising Stars.

These few are in my opinion, walking the walk and talking the talk when it comes to MPS.

Does this mean that everybody else sucks? No, not at all.

What it does mean is that we who play in the MPS sandbox, can look to this pattern in the sky, and study. Learn. Adapt. Improve.

Alas, it is a shame that I need to even mention this, but, as with everything else I have ever posted, this is MY opinion only.


And this is not a scientific study.

Also, I don't take money from any of these stars, so it's not like the "quadrant".

I am not part of a multi-national, media conglomerate, so these stand-outs don't pay to be in any of my trade shows or "published" in any poser magazines.

I am not carpetbagging "How to Sell MPS" classes.

You are free to disagree but please remember, I write for an audience of one: me.

Submitted for your review, off the Shoulder of Orion, the DOTC Summer of 2010, Rising MPS Stars:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Managed Print Services - Another DOTC Leopard Speaks, Sarah Henderson


The DOTC throng continues to grow -  there be Leopards about.

I would like to welcome Sarah Henderson, from Great America to the fray.

Sarah chimes in with some insight around branding.


Where is the Brand?

By Sarah Henderson
Director, Strategic Marketing
GreatAmerica Leasing Corporation

So you are a copier dealership, consumables reseller or IT VAR who have made the decision to offer Managed Print Services (MPS)….welcome to the table! During the past few years, I have the privilege of working with providers of MPS through the Navigator program, attending and teaching at industry events. This experience working hands-on with your peers implementing MPS has demonstrated a lack of attention to the MPS marketing message that leaves customers confused and asking “Where is the Brand?”

The MPS marketplace is maturing and I see few markets where end-users have not been exposed to some form of MPS messaging or offer for a “print assessment”. From the big box stores, IT VARs, Copier Dealers, OEMs, print resellers and office suppliers, there seems to be an MPS offering available on every corner. This places pressure on you to not only build an MPS program but also brand it in a way that is unique in your marketplace. In the midst of building your MPS program, don’t get in such a hurry you skip over some important considerations for your program roll out and marketing plan.

Enjoy this drive-thru review of how MPS program structure and messaging impacts brand:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Managed Print Services: On the World Stage

MPS is the buzz globally, almost as much as when tray less duplex came out and analogue became digital...JUST KIDDING.

From the recent MPS Conference in Amsterdam:

“My expectations have been surpassed. I come from Dubai, and the market is hungry for this application. I am very impressed with the quality of people attending: senior executives, dealers, end-users…some very good discussion.” - Hakam Abu Rishesh, Gulf Commercial Group

“This conference is very insightful. It is the first time I have met people that actually understand MPS. I didn’t expect so many people. I think it is a great reflection on the interest in the market.” - James Du Plooy, Solution Worx, South Africa

Full Press release.


European Managed Print Services Conference Hits Right Notes with MPS Professionals

FMAudit Renews as Platinum Sponsor of 2010 European MPS Conference

November 4, 2009 – Lexington, KY – The 2009 European MPS Conference held recently in Amsterdam was a successful educational event for the managed print services market, with enthusiastic feedback from attendees, exhibitors and sponsors. In a show of support, Platinum Sponsor FMAudit Europe/ DocuAudit, has renewed its commitment for the 2010 European conference, which will be held in Barcelona, Spain.

“The response to the 2009 European MPS conference was overwhelming. It is imperative that we continue to support efforts that bring ideas, best practices and valuable networking opportunities to this rapidly growing market,” said Jan De Kesel, President and Managing Director, FMAudit Europe/ DocuAudit,

Surpassing original attendance targets, over 140 people attended the European MPS conference, the first of its kind. MPS dealers, end users, vendors and infrastructure providers, along with sponsors and exhibitors networked and shared their experiences and knowledge. Participants commented on the quality of information, level of expertise, networking and contacts, and the overall value for their businesses.

· “Really, really interesting, it reflects the reality of the marketplace.”
Nicolas Bouillon, Blumega Technology, United Kingdom

· “This conference is great! It has given me the background of the players, services and competition—absolutely valuable to me!”
Maikel Bongers, Office Depot Europe

· “My expectations have been surpassed. I come from Dubai, and the market is hungry for this application. I am very impressed with the quality of people attending: senior executives, dealers, end-users…some very good discussion.”
Hakam Abu Rishesh, Gulf Commercial Group

· “Can’t wait to take this away and build on it. It’s great for developing market, great for bringing all these parties together and great to have an independent forum.”
Alan Kilminister, Gulf Commercial Group

· “This conference is very insightful. It is the first time I have met people that actually understand MPS. I didn’t expect so many people. I think it is a great reflection on the interest in the market.”
James Du Plooy, Solution Worx, South Africa

· “I am getting great feedback, everyone loves the diversity in topics.”
Stuart Rideout, LRS, United Kingdom

In addition to Platinum Sponsors FMAudit and HP, other European MPS Conference sponsors and exhibitors included Gold Sponsor MWA Intelligence, Inc., media sponsors BERTL Research and DocuFacts, LRS, Netaphor, Newfield IT, PerformIT, PrintFleet, SCC and other prominent MPS players.

“The interest in MPS has no boundaries. Attendees came from as far away as South Africa, Australia and Dubai to learn about MPS strategies,” said Ed Crowley, CEO and Senior Partner of the Photizo Group, which hosted the MPS 2009 European Conference. “The fact that FMAudit/DocuAudit has again committed its support as a Platinum Sponsor for the 2010 event demonstrates the success of this conference in meeting the needs of the marketplace and in bringing the right people together. It shows the importance that MPS leaders like FMAudit place on the MPS Conference as an educational forum.”

Over 20 different sessions addressed a broad spectrum of topics with speakers from across Europe providing expertise and insights. Along with the keynote presenters from FMAudit and HP, sessions featured MPS experts from Canon, DirectPointe, EKM4, LRS Europe, PrintFleet, PulsarTec, Konica Minolta, Leads City Council, LRS Europe, Nationwide Insurance, Newfield IT, Relevance Biz and SolutionsWorx.

Conference Content Focuses on MPS Success

The series of MPS Conferences address the urgent need for information about the fast-growing managed print services market. The Photizo Group estimates that the MPS market is worth over $25 billion globally this year and is projecting it will be a $60 billion market by 2013. Conference content features case studies, panels, exhibitions and interactive sessions that highlight successful approaches and practical ideas from actual MPS engagements. MPS decision makers, vendors and channel partners benefit from a rich agenda of relevant topics.

For more information about the MPS Conference series, visit

# # #

Media contacts:
The Photizo Group
Misty Hamel


The Photizo Group is a leading research firm specializing in the analysis of the printing and imaging industry and specifically the Managed Print Services market. Photizo has become the market’s main source for ongoing business intelligence about the rapidly growing opportunity of MPS. Since its landmark MPS study released in April 2008 to ongoing research covering North America and Europe, Photizo has emerged as a leader in dynamic business intelligence about the MPS market. Clients include eight of the top ten imaging manufacturers in the digital

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Managed Print Services, MPS Training and Best Practices: I'm Calling Bullshit


Ok, we all know anyone who claims to have been "doing MPS for 15 years" is nothing but Bravo Sierra - how was anyone trying to reduce costs associated with output back in 1995, re-inking ribbons on an Epson LQ-1050?

Really? Copiers were not even DIGITAL in 1995! Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot!

And if one more ding dong sales consultant tells me that "...MPS is all about TCO..." - but doesn't include costs incurred in the Third Stage of MPS, I may just hurl right then and there.

Do not even get me started on re-hashed IKON Circa 1990 leasing, "Image Management Plus", customer for-life, schemes - exactly how many lawsuits did IKON fend off back then?


So this is what we've come to: years of usage statistics, decades of observed business behavior, and so much data about how the world prints, stores and creates documents yet we still do not have any real-world benchmarks. No guideposts.

Hell, we don't really have any Guides.

Correction, "guides" do exist. Most just don't know shit about shit and keep telling us they do - that is if you pay them. And the more we pay, the more horsepucky comes out.

Welcome to MPS.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Does Your MPS stand for "Maybe, Probably, Sometimes?" or Does it Just Suck?


What's new in MPS?

Xerox, HP, Ricoh, and Canon have MPS programs now. I believe at the last count, there are no less than 11 major MPS Programs available for providers and clients.

Is IKON done hiring MPS people yet?

Dealer infrastructure has been built, and the tools are in place.

But why are there still the same old questions?

How is it that LinkedIn is filled with "MPS Definition" debates and some of the best MPS questions are coming from OfficeMax and Staples?

Or better yet, where's all that promised Gold?

It's been over two years, at least, since this new iteration of Managed Print Services hit the streets.

Apart from HP and Xerox pumping the media with announcements of incredible, gargantuan, installs and sponsoring their way into the magical, "upper right" corner, what is going on in the real world?

How is the independent dealer fairing in this new, partnership-based selling cycle?

Is there really a "new" breed of Selling Professionals taking advantage of MPS?

Are there any Hybrids out here? (not the iTex version)

Granted, there are successes in the MPS Ecosystem.  But with an estimated 7,000 dealers jumping into MPS, one would figure everybody would be out in the field, assessing, presenting, and engaging.

Yet the MPS Sales training classrooms are filled, the consultants remain on retainer and owners are frustrated.

I get emails every week that begins with,

"...I've been doing this for over "x" decades, sent my team to "fill in the blank" MPS training, attend the weekly, "manufacturer de jour" dealer's con-call, and still, my team doesn't implement.

"...WHAT PLANET do those "advisors" reside - can you translate what they say into everyday, applicable examples?..." - huh.

What gives?

Managed Print Services, real MPS, is difficult to do. This stuff is hard.

For copier dealers, MPS may have been thought to be just another way to place gear. The "sharper" copier folks saw early on that MPS really looked like CPC for printers - simple. How's that working out for ya?

Toner guys looked at MPS and thought, "Hell, we've been doing CPC on printers for over 150 years!" That's Toner Management Services, TMS; not MPS.

Computer VARs looked at MPS as just another monitoring service, "Service printers? no problem, we can image 250 laptops in 3 hours, we have 25 technicians, how hard can it be to service printers? MFP's? What's the difference?" There is a difference between onsite and depot.

Tsk, tsk, tsk...

Meter reads aren't enough, and remote monitoring, monthly invoicing, assessments, and Data Collection Agents, aren't enough.

What is needed is EVERYTHING. And the kitchen sink.

You need Selling Professionals who can truly put together a complicated project, marshal the resources of your company, price, and package, and present this unique proposition, to your prospect, in a simple manner.

And not take forever.

You need service folks who understand selling, you need warehouse people who can think through your system.

And you need to talk to people who have already made the same, MPS mistakes you are going to make - not successful ex-copier dealers who cashed in and now want to tell you how they did it, ten years ago.

Here's a list of Ten Reasons your MPS Practice Sucks(there are many more reasons)as mentioned to me, by DOTC readers:

1. You have no clue what you are doing, but you think that you do
2. Ownership/Executive management finally admits MPS isn't really, in the core
3. You have no clear, concise, fair sales compensation plan
4. You haven't taken the time to put together a CPI price sheet
5. You hired "consultants" whose only concern is the monthly retainer
6. You listen to and believe in the same, old skool, copier consultants
7. Your internal process is cumbersome and designed around Transactional sales
8. Your company leadership has no vision
9. You are trying to convert Copier reps into Solution Experts
10. You are trying to boil down MPS into CPC

If you are an MPS Selling Professional and you see some of the above at your practice, be alarmed. Pay special attention to #2 and #8 and brush up on the resume.

Do you want the answers to the challenges posed above?

Break out the American Express and email me.

Click to email me.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Successful MPS Conference Is Further Validation for Managed Print Services Industry

Conference attendance more than doubles; attendees enthusiastic about program

LEXINGTON, KY – June 4, 2010 – To say the managed print services market is growing would be an understatement. As evidence, consider the powerful participation in the recent MPS Conference hosted by Photizo Group. Attendance more than doubled from the 2009 event, from 135 in 2009, to 290 at the 2010 gathering in San Antonio, TX.

“As one attendee noted, the conference and swelling number of attendees is yet another confirmation that MPS isn’t a sales pitch it’s not just a strategy, it’s THE business strategy for the industry,” said Ed Crowley, CEO of Photizo Group.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Resurgence of Managed Print Services: A New Dawn?

I've been asking this for over a year now, "Is MpS is back?"

Surprisingly, dealers and salespeople have been telling me their Prospects are asking for managed print services. Prospects have a definition of managed print services, see a need and are actively seeking out providers.  

Not like the old days.

MPS is not merely surviving; it's thriving and adapting in ways that promise a brighter, more efficient future for businesses worldwide.

Contact Me

Greg Walters, Incorporated