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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Three Musketeers Team - "Just was an off day..."

"There are things in this world worth fighting and dying for...

We're Warriors, its who We are...

We are surrounded by enemies...
War will engulf the entire ecosystem...
Only We can prevent the coming Apocalypse...

You want to be a Leopard?
Your chance is coming..."

Team Building -

Forty, four hundred or four, a team within a team, small, agile, aware flexible, effective.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Lyra Sees the MpS Ecosystem Through the OEM/Enterprise Kaleidoscope

It's like
we share a brain, except DOTC doesn't have a staff and was on this page 12 months ago...Yeah, I know, I have self-esteem issues.

An article posted on The Imaging Channel caught my eye, "Managed Print Services: OEM Strategies". The headline piqued but the source engaged - Lyra.

Of all the research groups I know, only two command my attention. One is Lyra. I trust their opinion, to be honest. Sometimes, I may not agree with their observations but that is okay.

If you are an MpS'r from way back, say 24 months(!), what the Big 3 say is of no surprise; if you are a steady reader of DOTC, again, no surprise.

Lyra spoke with Xerox, HP, and Ricoh during the first half of 2011. The article is a reflection of all three.

The caveat is these discussions orbit around enterprise-level MPS engagements - not that there is no value - it's just that when interviewing at this level, the information is more proactive than responsive - the OEMs projecting their view of MPS, not necessarily reflecting the real MpS.

Regardless, it is the Future.

John Adams

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