My singular hope is that something, one thing, anything, may turn up to be just as intriguing and refreshing...
10. What's working and what isn't...
9. For the last time, what is MPS...
8. Who thinks they have it all figured out...
7. MPS training, should we scratch it all and start over...
6. Are there any organic, MPS Selling Professionals...
5. How is all that national, retail office supply, MPS activity working out...
4. BTA types, do you have a bad taste in your mouth, or what...
3. Who is going to stand up and say, "MPS and SLED/GEM do not mix..."
2. How far along is the DeathOfPrint...really...
1. A year from now, what say you...
Kinda makes you want to go green, doesn't she?
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