At the bottom of the page, you may have noticed two graphs.
One showing the number of Managed Print Services Jobs offered and another reflecting Copier Sales jobs postings.
These graphs have been here for a while now.
The other day, I decided to drill down into these numbers and ran a quick query for "managed print services specialists IKON".
Boom. Twenty eight returns, from all over the country, posted within the LAST 23 DAYS.
Managed Print Services Specialst - IKON.
It's no secret I feel and have always felt that, on paper, IKON is the best positioned entity to jump into MPS.
Before RICOH, their position would have been stronger.
But today, with IKON's Facilities Management history and expertise, coupled with an absolutely stunning collection of supported Electronic Document and Workflow Management software packages, all IKON needs is to be a bit more hardware agnostic and shazam, MPS up to the Fourth Stage.
Check out my article back in July, here.
I know that was history - but, lately, for no apparent reason, IKON is popping up on my radar more and more - My MPS'dar, not copier radar.
What gives?
Well, looking at the locations where MPSS are about to be hired, I would say a national wave of MPS is what "gives".
IKON is on the MPS prowl.
Check it out, here.
All this vendor activity is all very interesting but what is really required is better educated buyers to maintain a productive and positive perception of Managed Print Services.
ReplyDeleteThis is not only to drive down costs but also to increase return on investment for organisations and to minimise the risks associated with acquiring an MPS in ignorance and in haste.
Resilient analysis and solution design are the secrets to success!
Essential-Media will therefore be releasing a comprehensive buyers guide by the end of December, at a target price of £20. Watch this space:
Ok - "Intovate",
ReplyDeleteI let you get this one through.
DOTC does not endorse, or has ever heard of Essential-Media.
Indeed, I cannot tell from your site, if you are a BPO, MPS Practice(as defined here in the states) or simply a P4Pay outsource.
But I am willing to wait and see about this "comprehensive buyers guide" to MPS.
If there is anything in there about pantone selection, stationary, or pre-printed forms - the word "wanker" comes to mind.
And, I figure my MPS Manifesto, "The History of Professional Selling, Part One: MPS According to Greg" could ride your coat tails across the pond.