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Friday, December 26, 2014

How the New World of Work is Innovating through Representation


When the American colonists rejected the rule of monarchy, much of the world considered the rebellion doomed to fail. After all, the colonies were young, possessed a small army, and lived under an experimental governing structure. The disobedient rabble—the grassroots—would fall into line once the British military might come to bear. 

Well, we all know how it ended, don’t we? And it all started with those considered to be “at the bottom.”

Fast forward 250 years, and while the discussions of today’s new world of work revolve around information mobility rather than taxation without representation, this idea of grassroots movements driving change is still embedded in our culture.

Today, individuals feel comfortable reaching out directly to C-suite executives of major companies or organizing and managing global conversations and events via social media platforms. In today’s transformative digital world, people have the same access to the same information as everyone else around them – anywhere, anytime. It’s an even playing field of knowledge and accessibility that did not exist at any prior point in our history.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas...2014

Yes, I know, its WHAM!

This real old skool funny music stuff cracks me up.

The song came out in 1986: 24-25 years ago.

Right about the time most of the experts were just getting into MPS - right?


Merry Christmas -

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Words Of Power: The Difference Between Product and Service

When I first saw this video, I immediately recognized the difference between selling product and providing a service.  I saw it in the lady who changed his value proposition from
"I am blind. Please help." 
"It's a beautiful day and I can't see it."
A simple variance.  Not a lie and if anything, the purest of content; without spin and heavy in perspective.

How are you presenting your value proposition?  Are you true to you - at a deeper level - or are you simply forwarding, "We sell managed print services"?

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Greg Walters, Incorporated